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EUEREK project (European Universities for Entrepreneurship - their Role in the Europe of Knowledge)
As a research officer at the Institute of Education, University of London, Aljona Sandgren initiated and together with English colleagues submitted a proposal for a project within the EU 6th Framework Research Programme, European Universities for Entrepreneurship: their role in the Europe of knowledge (EUEREK), which was granted funding. The whole project group consisted of twenty researchers from eight consortium member countries around Europe: Institute of Education, University of London (UK), the Royal Institute of Technology- KTH, INDEK (Sweden), the University of Turku (Finland), Universidad Politecnica de València (Spain), the International Institute for Educational Planning, UNESCO (Paris, France), Adam Mickiewicz University (Poznan, Poland), the State University-Higher School of Economics (Moscow, Russia), and Moldova State University (Chisinau, Moldova). In all, the EUEREK project comprised 27 case studies, aimed at investigating academic entrepreneurship (university entrepreneurialism), novel university programmes, and how universities may be transformative institutions in a world where knowledge is of great, and growing, strategic importance. The research activities included policy analyses, university case studies in seven countries and cross-cutting analyses of organisational and contextual issues. Aljona Sandgren together with colleagues Prof Bruce Lambert and Mts Görel –Husén Strömqvist carried out case studies in Swedish universities, wrote a number of articles/reports and organised/participated in project dissemination activities. More information: thoughtsmart.com/euerek, cordis.europa.eu/result/rcn/51594_en.html
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